Techno Z Sulphur Mills 1 kg

  • Brands: Sulphur Mills Limited
  • 0 REVIEW
  • SKU: 641bb12d-a18b-11ee-9690-b8aeedb590fb
₹ 356.00   ₹ 200.00

‘Techno Z’ , a Zinc based micro granule fertilizer in crop nutrition segment, will further strengthen the product portfolio and would support in sustainable business growth of the organisation by offering value added solutions to growers in domestic market as well as in export business.

Techno Z’ is a novel Zinc based micro granule fertilizer enabled with patented ‘ORT’ technology (Optimum Release Technology) that requires comparatively very low dose to meet the Zinc requirement of the crop plant in balance nutrition programme. As we all know that Zinc deficiency in arable soil is widespread not only in India but also worldwidely, which is one of the limiting factors for crop productivity and quality. The Zinc deficiency in arable soil affects not only the crop productivity and quality but also the human health. As per IZA’s (International Zinc Association) estimation, 1/3 of the world’s population is deficient in Z inc a nd W orld H ealth O rganization (WHO) e stimates t hat 8 00,000 p eople d ie a nnually d ue t o z inc deficiency, with 450,000 of these being children under the age of five. Therefore Zinc plays vital role in plant as well as human beings and the best way to overcome Zinc deficiency in both the crop plant and human beings is Zinc fertilization to crop, which will not only increase the yield but also fortify grain/fruit with zinc and ultimately meet the zinc requirement of the human beings.

Category: Fertilizer